Do you offer any discounts or loyalty programs?
Yes, we frequently run special promotions, discounts, and seasonal sales. Additionally, we have a loyalty program to reward our valued customers. Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on all the latest offers.
What if I need assistance or have additional questions?
Our customer support team is here to help! If you have any questions, concerns, or need assistance with your order, feel free to contact us via email or, phone, live chat, our or contact form, and we'll be more than happy to assist you.
Are your gothic clothing items suitable for special occasions or events?
Absolutely! Our collection includes both everyday gothic wear and statement pieces suitable for special events, parties, or even Gothic-themed gatherings.
How can I track my order?
You'll receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking code and link so you can track the order right to your doorstep.
What payments methods do you offer?
At checkout, you can pay with PayPal, Mastercard, Visa, Apple Pay and American Express

This Halloween, we're turning ordinary date nights into a nightmare!
Whether you're grabbing coffee, heading to the movies, or having a cozy picnic, show us how you’d add a horrifying twist to a regular setting. Will you bring blood and gore to the café? A ghostly vibe to the park?
It’s time to unleash your scariest self while on a "normal" date!

1. Dress Up as yourself or your favorite horror character:
Go all out with spooky costumes or a subtle, eerie look using regular clothes with a dark, creepy twist (like a blood-stained dress or a tattered suit).
Create ghostly, zombified, or monster-like looks. Think pale skin, dark eyes, fake scars, or even some bloody details—whatever gets you in the scary spirit!

2. Pick a Regular Date Spot:
Choose an everyday place for your date - a café, movie theater, a walk in the park, dinner at home, etc.

3. Take a Photo:
of you (and your date, if you like!) in this spooky yet ordinary setting.

4. Post It:
to Instagram.

5. Tag Us
with #TCCHalloween24 for your chance to win a killer prize!